What Normal Looks Like Now

So, it turns out, that it is much easier to blog after we host guests here, because we normally tackle the entire island in 5 days. Haha I am blaming my blogging hiatus on having an empty guest bedroom. 
When we’re not hosting, we rarely go to the beach, we eat a lot of home cooked meals, and we are typically in bed before 9pm to read (scroll endless through Instagram) ourselves to sleep.
And in these boring little details of taking paradise for granted, we’ve created something that feels a lot like normal life, which actually feels pretty awesome.

Ryan is still loving his job (do you know someone who loves their job? It’s inspiring to witness) and because he works long days, I had to get my own thing going on, because you can only watch so many hours of the Kardashians before it starts to alter the way you think. #stillnotashamedtobeaKUWTKfan

In my quest for purpose on de rock, I’ve somehow managed to balance my volunteer schedule to where I feel completely satisfied without feeling burdened. I spend two days a week at the hospital being a Pink Lady, two days walking the pups & tending to the cats at the Bermuda SPCA, and once a week assisting with therapy riding at Windreach (they also host Goat Yoga there, which is as amazing as it sounds).
In between work and early bedtimes we have been hanging out with friends, playing volleyball & hockey, taking Lemmie to the beach, hitting the golf course, and trying to make 75 degrees feel like Christmas.

Ryan & I are both so excited to be going home for the holidays, because even though I try to blame the weather, Christmas ain’t Christmas without family! We are flying home on Christmas Eve (yes, I watched all the Hallmark movies where everything goes terribly wrong when trying to travel on Christmas Eve (but the main character always ends up with their love interest AND gets the job promotion by Christmas morning! So really what’s the worst that could happen?)) I’ll probably be snapping the whole trip, so feel free to follow me on Snapchat @kankl (yes, no “a” at the end, I hit enter prematurely when creating my handle, don’t judge).  If Instagram is more your thing you can find me @kankla (I took my time when creating that account). You’ll get a better look at our island life via those two accounts, than my very sporadic blog attempts.

And so, in closing, Merry Christmas/Seasons Greetings/Congratulations-you-survived-2017, to you and yours. I hope where ever this year’s end finds you, it’s with a smile on your face, love in your heart, and a social media handle that makes you proud.

Lemon looks guilty, but it wasn't her.  One guess who actually broke it...

Photo cred: Islandstats.com

JingleBell 5k

SPCA pups - both have been adopted since taking this photo! <3


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